Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Class Elections are coming up soon! We must begin to talk about the importance of having a government within our classroom; as well as local, state, and national governments. The first Pixton comic shows how elections work and who gets to vote. We have learned that citizens are responsible for voting and in our own classroom, every student gets the opportunity to vote for who they think would do the best job. Elections are important to hold in the classroom because we get to find the person in our class that collectively we all think will do a great job at a specific office. Also with voting it is all up to the people in the class to pick their next leader, just like in local, state, and national governments.
Everyone in our class will get the opportunity to run for whatever office of their choosing. The Pixton comic below is what every student will fill out with what office they would like to hold. The students must also explain why they want the specific position and how they will use it to better the classroom. Classroom elections are very important and they will help prepare us for when we vote in local, state, and national elections! 

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